When I compare myself to other photographers, I can’t tell if I’m falling back or gaining steam in this competitive industry. I’m currently finishing a Photoshop class at the same community college where I first studied the zone system eight years ago. I really enjoy shooting photos, and I think that’s why I still do it. To this point, I think I’ve spent more on travel and gear than I’ve made back. But that’s not why I’m interested in photography – or why I spent countless hours in the darkroom in college. I love the learning curve and the different ways I can choose to frame things even when the scene is no different than the first ten times I saw it. Photography is an absolute passion, and it’s exciting to think about the possibilities in the future.
Without question, I love the opportunity to travel and open my eyes to all the unique cultures out there. Bringing photos home and sharing stories has become an addiction.

Amadeo Bachar